Terri with a nice rainbow trout from the Middle Fork Feather River

Middle Fork Feather River

Fishing remains excellent on the Middle Fork Feather River this week. Lots of bugs, eager fish and perfect water temperatures make this river stand out at this time.Flows are really starting to drop on the upper river with the Portola gauge reading 65 cfs this morning. Water temps are still good fluctuating from 52-63 degrees. With the predicted heat wave this week, water temps may become an issue in the afternoons on the Clio stretch. Below Frazier and Graeagle Creeks temps will be colder. The lower flows and warmer water have the bugs popping and the fish are looking up. The high light is the mid day PMD mayfly hatch, interspersed with BWO spinners, ovipositing caddis and yellow sallies. The dry fly bite is exceptional when the wind isn’t blowing. Dry dropper is my go to and this method is still producing before, during and after the hatch. The streamer bite is slower this week as the fish are keyed in on bugs. All methods are working so choose your favorite and catch some fish!

What’s Working

Here is a list of flies that have caught fish this week on the Middle Fork Feather River.

Dry Flies: Sparkle Dun (14-18), Parachute Adams (14-20), Hairs Ear Trude (14-16), Mahogany Dun (14), Elk Hair Caddis (14-16), Comparadun (14), and E/C Caddis (14-16) Nymphs: Plastic Surgeon (14-16), Electrolyte Baetis (14-16), Simple Skwala (10), Rusty Jig (14-16), Iron Sally (14-16), Sparkle Pupa (14-16), Hares Ear (14-16), Jigged Pheasant Tail (14-16) Streamers: Sculpzilla White, Olive and Natural (10), Dolly Llama (8-10) Near Nuff Sculpin (10)

John hooked up on the Truckee River

Truckee River

Fishing is improving on the Truckee River this week as runoff starts to slow down. Flows in town are 367 cfs and water temps are in the mid to upper 40’s. Bigger flows below Boca with the gauge reading 1050 cfs. Fishing is improving as water temps start to increase and the bugs get more active. Midges, PMD’s, and BWO’s are hatching mid day with caddis hatching in the evening. Not really much of a dry fly bite so nymphing is the name of the game. Dry dropper, Tight Line and indicator fishing are all working depending on the water type being fished. Fish are moving into shallow, fast water to feed but can be found in deeper riffles and runs as well. Lots of anglers out and about this past weekend and lack of etiquette was quite surprising.

What’s Working

A list of flies that worked this week

Nymphs: Plastic Surgeon (14-16), Raindrop Perdigon (14-16), Pats Rubberlegs (10), Electrolyte Baetis (14-16), Rusty Jig (14-16), Sparkle Pupa Green (14), Sparkle Pupa(14). Dries: Parachute Adams (18), E/C caddis (14), Elk Hair Caddis (14) Streamers: Dolly Llama (10), Near Nuff Sculpin (10), Sculpzilla whit, Olive, natural (10)


Jay Clark - Professional fly fishing guide for the MIddle Fork Feather River and Truckee River.

About The Author

Jay Clark is a lifelong outdoorsman that enjoys being near the water. Starting out with fishing as a childhood pastime, Jay has honed his skills over the years, evolving from a hobbyist to a seasoned fly fishing pro. Jay’s passion runs deep – offering guided fishing excursions along the Middle Feather River, Truckee River, and serene stillwater spots in the Northern Sierra.

Want to go Fishing?

Interested in going fishing in the Lost Sierra? All levels welcome. Book a guided fly fishing trip today!